Sunday, November 9, 2014

- The story takes place in the period before the war, the book is divided into three parts. Pa

- Something about the author: lam banh bao Born in Malé Svatoňovice, then lived in Úpici. In childhood he had a serious disease of the spine. He studied at grammar lam banh bao schools in Hradec Kralove, Brno and Prague, then the Faculty of Arts at Charles University, Berlin and Paris. He fought against fascism and war, against přetechnizovanému world. He was a journalist in the leaves and the National People's newspapers. He was friends with TGM - origin of the work Talks with TG Masaryk lam banh bao (book taken on the basis of interviews, tells the president's life, his political, lam banh bao philosophical or religious lam banh bao beliefs). Founder of sci-fi in Czech Republic (the science-fiction genre containing speculation about technology, natural phenomena and previously unknown forms of life. The story is mostly set in the universe of the future or alternate-history works RUR, War with the Newts, Krakatit). Before the invention warns the play RUR - the revolt of the robots (first time used the word robot). Another piece of technology is to warn people about the invention Krakatit- explosives to destroy the world. lam banh bao He also wrote travel books eg .: Italian sheets, Letters from England, Trip to Spain, Journey to the north. Against fascism wrote a piece Mother, War with the Newts, and Nine Fairy Tales for kids. He died at the age of 48 pulmonary edema.
- To which direction belong author: The author shows the current democratic writers, authors in this period (first half of the 20th century) are called pragmatist. Pragmatism = philosophical direction of the 20th century., Originated in the US, the criterion of truth is usefulness, reality and experience. Features of democratic power: authors have argued for humanity, were against fascism in the 20's superiority lam banh bao lyrical prose. Other authors pragmatists: Bass, Polacek.
- Historical introduction: the development of electrified railways, the creation of Czechoslovakia (October 28, 1918) I. Vol. War (1914- 1918), fascism = based in Italy, B. Mussolini in 1919, it is a political movement whose goal was to eg .: abolition of the monarchy and the Senate, expropriation of property of the Catholic Church, building a strong army. When the fascists came to power, were banned other political parties.
- Genre novel - a story written extensive prose, main and secondary lines, episodes, many characters that evolve, kind of a big epika- has a plot, characters within a specified time to develop, secondary lam banh bao story lines and form provisional written in rows, the text is divided lam banh bao into paragraphs and chapters, typical narrative or drama
- The main characters and their characteristics: Captain van Toch - calculating, reckless own merchant lam banh bao ship, constantly looking for undiscovered deposits of pearls, the discoverer of salamanders, seeing their work make good money, negotiates with the Newts spolupráci- he will deliver them weapons against sharks, salamanders him in return will give pearls. GH Bondy - businessman, entrepreneur, looking for any monetary gain, placing their money into breeding salamanders, knows that his money back. Mr. Povondra- porter in Bondy company released Captain van Toch to Bondy, often said that the world was created by him salamanders (because lam banh bao let unannounced captain to Mr. Bondy), and later, when the arrival of salamanders in Bohemia regrets his actions. Mloci- their commander was Cheif Salamander (man) can only live in the shallows, when overpopulation demanded from people more and more land, they began to pick off the coast of the US, Europe, and despite the protests of people on the mainland pecking blasting
- The story takes place in the period before the war, the book is divided into three parts. Part 1 is called lam banh bao Andrias Scheuchzeri, Part 2 After the stages of civilization and the third portion is called The War with the Newts. In the first part of the book describes how Captain van Toch on his boat Kondong Bandoeng located in the seas of Southeast Asia in the Gulf DevilBay strange stvoření- salamanders, which says TapaBoys. With these salamanders converge and finds that when they give a knife, lam banh bao they told him they bring pearls. After a year, the captain goes back to Bohemia, and is looking for an investor who would have bought a boat. With the boat captain had big plans. lam banh bao He wanted her salamanders feed, reproduce and planted them all seas. He decided that his idea for an entrepreneur goes Bondy. Came unannounced, and thus porter Mr. Povondra hesitated has, or has Captain Mr. Bondy go. Finally released lam banh bao him, and he agreed with Mr. Bondy investment in new ships captain, which was transported to Europe fruits, spices and pearls. Newts tried to conceal from the public. The second part of the book is the reproduction of salamanders, and newts mainly about meeting with people. Since there were already so many, it was not the discovery of salamanders conceal from the public. The newspaper occurred only and main the- NEWTS. Mr. Povondra have edited out all the articles whose topic is related to salamanders, clippings had over two thousand. Salamanders interested in absolutely all, it was found that it can mimic a variety of sounds, including human speech. lam banh bao At a time when the salamanders spread to the general public, dies Captain lam banh bao van Toch and entrepreneur Bondy salamander based group that provides trading salamanders worldwide. Salamanders are used as cheap labor, because for the work to receive lam banh bao food. They work in ports, but also as stars in different shows. To make people lives easier salamanders, supplied them with various explosives and ZBR

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