Saturday, May 2, 2015

The meeting lasted for 30 seconds. Then

Asylum Naminukai
He knows all about the brew. Someone reading about them in fairy tales, something heard from acquaintances, and something perhaps even seen these mysterious creatures. It is mysterious. After all, this phenomenon is a phenomenon unexplained to this day. So where is his secret?
Here's how to describe the form of the famous brew of ancient faiths researcher beard or no beard A. Afanasjevas "Malmytsko district Naminukas appears to people beard or no beard as old people, whose stature as a five-child. Always with a red shirt, blue gird belt. Wrinkled face, beard and white hair on the head yellow gray, and his eyes burn like fire. "
Another Russian explorer - Ivan Kostolovskis as otherwise describe brew out: "According to folk beliefs, Naminukas are all rank dense fur and soft down. Even the soles and palms of his hair, a face along the naked eye and the nose. His gauruoti soles imprinted in the snow in winter, and palm Naminukas caressing the feet asleep, and they feel what his hairy hand ". ADVERTISING For advertising ...
But it Naminukas treats only with good and hard-working hosts. It helps them cattle feed, horse mane iššukuoja. Otherwise behaves Naminukas with lazy. Such it frightens, shaking Eibe: it shall spread manure at night, it drove a horse, or užgriūna on idleness at night and starts to click and strangle, and makes it so much when neither move nor utter a word.
Even quite recently, in the early twentieth century, Naminukas was the real thing for most of the Russian population, especially those living in rural areas. However, the decades-long struggle with prejudice at the Soviet government played a role. Now even children no longer believe brew. They became a reality overseas ninja turtles, spider people and so on.
Fortunately, the brew was left corners, where it remembers and loves. Here are the lines from a letter sent by one of our readers, Tamara V .: "I Naminukas - the same reality as a table, behind which sit now. True, I have not seen the brew, but constantly feel his presence in your home. Here and now, as I write this letter, he plays on the floor with a cat. In fact playing! It's good to see the Muskie behavior. The cat is suddenly jumping to the side, as if to get away from something, beard or no beard it's something to hunt, it dies, and purr rubbing against someone invisible legs. This is my Naminukas. The apartment has settled in at the same time and for many years here live amicably. There are, of course, that he, as a child begin to fool around. Hiding my items or confused knitting yarn. And once Naminukas me confidence. I set the kitchen to cook soup, užsiskaičiau beard or no beard itself noticed beard or no beard as I fell asleep. Suddenly I felt a clear blow to the side and uttered something along the ear: "Kitchen burn!" I jumped up, fly off to the kitchen, and there has already been boiled pot, but someone turned off the gas stove. Try to rationally explain this event! Therefore, I believe that the legends of brew lies something more poetic than an invention.
Living in our houses and apartments beings can not only feel but also see. Mostly these are laimingaisiais children. Here are some cases in support of children with special sensitivity to brew.
"Dad, Daddy! Look, what Deseo strange to us came straight beard or no beard air ... "Stop the nonsense drivel, we do not care about it. Forever invented "... In the father and son at the moment the room was nothing, beard or no beard but the child persistently repeated on some" uncle ". By the way, strange uncle, baby words, quickly left the room through the wall. ADVERTISING For advertising ...
Meanwhile, another brew-like description, it saw a small boy Andrei apartment where often strange events beard or no beard took place: dishes themselves were moving, you could hear the sounds of change. Andrei repeatedly pointed to the angle between the wall and the Servant and scared to say, "Grandpa! There, grandfather! "" Grandfather "look IROCK described the little girl who lived in the front of the house. According to her story, she has seen the tiniest seneliuką with a white beard, coming out of the stairwell, where Andrei lived. Moreover, it is he seneliukas somehow not wearing anything.
Although most Naminukai sees only children, sometimes it appears and adults. In addition, as a rule, it happens with people who have suffered some severe shock, the surviving nerve priepouolį. Parapsychologists believe that disaster of stand us a window into a world that is invisible to modern rational man. This is what happened with Vladimir I. After four years of marriage with his wife, they began to hate each other so that stood out. Here, a meeting was held by Vladimir still remember with horror. And although he has always been firmly convinced that the world wonders absent, the meeting with vodka shaken him: "His žvolgsnis paralyžuoja. Breathe, move impossible. The only remaining way to defend themselves - who will review what the eyes. His penetrating gaze, fierce, burning.
The meeting lasted for 30 seconds. Then "he" beard or no beard quickly retreated to the wall, came to her and melted. Eyes disappeared last. Nami

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