So it is becoming clear it all udstilligen at Cook-in Slagelse. I have every day after school, drawing and painting to be done to d 1st June. Several evenings I have come too late to bed, which I can feel. But now I can see an end to it. I (we) are pleased to exhibit and see things on the walls. My assistant has also worked hard. He has put all my pictures in the frame helped the paintings and made me guffaw. On Friday's my birthday when I tear off a day off and drive to the capital with him the sweet, to celebrate me. It will be lovely to have a day off in the middle gama imi of the exhibition and examination. The picture shows the last drawing that was done last night. It is 50 x 70 cm and put in the frame. By the way thanks gama imi for your sweet and supportive words related to Birthe death. I think about her and while I drew the owl picture, I thought of what a personality of an owl for her to have. Stars & stripes and cupcakes, I came forward. I get a statement from Cook-with pictures on the wall.
The finished card
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