Thursday, November 21, 2013

About Benny Wendy, I wrote about the way his eyes as a child in the jungles of West Papua soldiers

neharyzmatychni leaders | So Far, So Close
When Mariam pakystanka that somewhere out there fighting with the Taliban, comes into the room around it osyayuyetsya from its life-affirming "hudmorninh." The whole audience laughed when and witty quips of professors. The last lecture of Miriam invites new orleans school of cooking all to remember new orleans school of cooking colleague with whom she worked with, who also advised to get in Fletchers' Summer Institute in Boston. As it turned out, the guy was killed in a car accident in May. Then we find out he was the husband of Miriam. Wedding they'd had, and just back from Boston. new orleans school of cooking White dress waiting in the closet.
Brahimi new orleans school of cooking is now Professor of Philosophy at the University, knows seven languages (five European). He was born a slave. In Mauritania, slavery still exists. As if the slave mother, her children serfs. Brahimu was lucky to open a school in his village lacked new orleans school of cooking one child, so have the number for the slave. Now he is fighting against slavery in Mauritania, where pretend does not exist. new orleans school of cooking Even diplomats in Paris pretend that their slaves - just henchmen. Rabsto today work on plantations. Often girls buy slaves Arabian sheikhs. Brahimu soon forty. It is usually silent and smiling. When talking - we were silent.
About Benny Wendy, I wrote about the way his eyes as a child in the jungles of West Papua soldiers raped his aunt and Papuans crucified on the cross. Do not have time to talk about how he went to school, and smiled when he spat in the face of Indonesian children, because Benny - Black, Benny - Papuan. About how it nothing put away for play and for the first time in history plemeninnyy leader escaped from the island, remained new orleans school of cooking alive. Now Benny Venda - voice became colonized land that remains one of nayzakrytishyh places on the planet. Indeed, Twitter and Facebook for the natives of West Papua are the only source to preserve the culture. Disable social new orleans school of cooking network will not work, because Indonesia has one of the highest number of Members area in the world. When Benny is left alone, his gaze directed downward. It seems mentions something. Once nablyzhayeshsya, tiny Benny sincere smiles, and suddenly it seems that people should not look kindly on the whole.
Michael, as befits a guy from Seattle, covered in tattoos. Anyway new orleans school of cooking in Beijing, where he lives the last years, always in a suit. His organization has been a Legal help for those who got into the "black" prisons "- rooms in hotels and restaurants in China, where people are held without charge. new orleans school of cooking State to pay less for the room than finish building another station, attracting attention. Their help is within the law, as well as raise funds for the families of detainees, even those do not know who it helped. In billions in China, while Michael is easy to get lost. Especially since they all do quietly, without fuss. Mike talks about Transybirsku manifold and friends from Yekaterinburg. Once in Beijing had to reflect random girls at the bar. They estimate that one (after the girls) instead of glasses rushed vberihaty book Gogol. Let the evening I was invited new orleans school of cooking to the 50th anniversary of Khodorkovsky - a relatively modest new orleans school of cooking and inspirational for me terrace on the Hudson (and I in the evening dress and heels) before new orleans school of cooking we eat with Michael cheapest pizza (two dollars for two pieces + range) prymostyvshys on the grass in Tomkins Square Park.
Second American new orleans school of cooking Deng, military, arrived in Iraq in 2003. Fourteen months in a tank battalion in Baghdad and ended Nedzhafi loss of colleagues, as well as a book about the unfair treatment of the Iraqi military new orleans school of cooking and humanitarian disaster. Dan took off his epaulets, although new orleans school of cooking still prymudryayet work with the army already a civilian.
Other Michael from Philippines. With ten years of playing in political theater, which denounced social injustice by the Marcos dictatorship. Over the next 27 years (Michael is now 37) made chamalo, besides writing music and lyrics. First teaches people on a small island, where he lives now, to use existing laws to their advantage and understand the complex new orleans school of cooking economic instruments. Michael in the end say that in fact very, very talkative, new orleans school of cooking but then decided it was time to listen.
Muuk - kind of a cool Thai divaha in jeans, white shirt and durable shoes. Three times smaller than me, but just drank three times more beer. Now makes films about Burmese hiphoperiv, but we agreed on. Her father - a famous activist. Since childhood Muuk sick of social activities, but also from the fact that father new orleans school of cooking has always been important in some strangers. So Muuk went on to study film director, and its still shifting. I have just realized that Muuk important will be the other.
Gaby from Cameroon suddenly gave an example campaign fundraising. As a crew, we still gave everything we had. Counsel looks like a decent president. At the time, everyone involved (opposing corruption and so on), but for example, did a lot to the time when Cameroon UCHERGOVE raised prices, and people were ready to rebel, new orleans school of cooking with

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