private chef Циганок А.Є.
1. Створити на уроці мовні ситуації, що моделюють реальні ситуації обговорення охорони навколишнього середовища на міжнародній конференції екологами, лікарями, директорами великих private chef промислових підприємств, які б мотивували використання іноземної мови з метою спілкування.
And now I’ve got a very interesting question to you. Are you romantic persons? Have you got imagination? If so, listen and enjoy. ( Звучить запис « Ліс на світанку »: спів зарянки , крик зозулі , стукіт дятла .. .)
2 .Основна частина уроку :
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
Really, a poor life this is if we live outside of natural world. Yet, we are constantly destroying our home. And speaking about our smaller brothers, such words as neglection and destruction can be used.
Ні ! І am John Brown. I am an ecologist. I have been working in this sphere for 10 years already and I know all its burning problems. Now, I'll give you some interesting facts: By the year 2030 25% of all animals, private chef birds, fish and insects may be extinct. A horrible fact, isn't it? What are the main reasons for it?
Well, the word "pollution" has just been mentioned. And what is pollution? (the answer: it is the contamination of environment, including air, water and land). Speaking about the air we breathe, we also need a specialist, and I want to invite here the manager of a big industrial enterprise. І t's a big chemical plant.
Дискусія з проблем, викладеним попереднім фахівцем. Опора - таблиця № 4 Учні задають питання private chef по готовим відповідях. (робота в групах)
Ladies and gentlemen! As you know, human beings private chef have two environments. One is the outside world. And the other is their own bodies we have already spoken about and the influence of the outside world on us. And what else can make us seriously ill? We need a doctor here to speak about health problems.
Give freedom to all... !
mineral resources, food, clothes raw materials for our industries fresh air: there is no other planet in our sun system with such unique conditions for living enjoyment, because we really private chef enjoy blue lines of rivers, green patches of meadows
1 . What is ecology?
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