Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday, 17/11/2013 17:54 PM In the Netherlands we Learn Learning Farm and Food farming and food in

Jakarta - Gen. Djoko Susilo has interesting stories when high school. Maybe this has something to do with the fact that it was revealed today that Djoko has more than one wife. High school, Djoko been called a playboy because ultimate cookery course many women often estimate. "Pak Djoko Playboy. He fickle when it comes to girls. If you had a girl it, crush it, crush it continued not long," said Djoko relatives at Madiun, Endang as quoted from the second magazine, Monday (25/03/2013). Djoko was born on October 7, 1960. His father was a police agent at the time of the Dutch East Indies government. Two brother is retired Air Force. Djoko also known as SMA dashing. He has a Honda CB 100, the only one in the village. Djoko in high school long hair and beard grow. No wonder he was nicknamed Djoko beard. Djoko eventually married Suratmi neighbors in Madiun in 1987. Suratmi Djoko was the first wife. The wife is a retired ultimate cookery course military children. Known as the beautiful girl in his village. Gen. Djoko now undergoing detention in detention Guntur. Two cases entrap, Korlantas alleged corruption and money laundering. Two Djoko wife, Anindita and Mahdiana Dipta also prevented the Commission. The house, the land, and the number of assets ultimate cookery course owned by Gen. Djoko also been sealed KPK. "He's not a story about his wife. We also have not met them," said Djoko lawyer, Juniver Girsang. Gen. Djoko for the full story can be read in the latest issue of FREE Seconds Magazine (issue 69, March 25, 2013). This edition of the Inspector General Djoko discuss thoroughly treasure. Also follow the other articles that are not less interesting. For application can be downloaded in pdf version and may be downloaded at Free, enjoy!!
This view Swimming Fishing Gen. Djoko in Subang Looking Deer in Garden Vast Gen. Djoko in Subang Put Notice, Kades Bans Citizens Jarah Land Inspector General Djoko in Subang Once Sealed Commission, Citizens Geruduk Gen. Djoko in to land in Subang
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