Monday, November 4, 2013

The richest sofra Maximilian Thomas, a German chef: He is the new face of the company. Until now ha

Cooked separately, but sit at the common table! | Zaman Bulgaria
The headquarter of "Knorr" research and development in Germany employs more than 30 chefs from 12 different countries. Everyone is responsible for the culinary specialties of their own country, but lacks "pinch of salt" of the neighbor. In their internal affairs are free, and the external are related to the plant. One of the chefs came from South Africa, another from India ... both morning come into their studios and explore new flavors of dried fruit and vegetables. Keep notes and make schedules, and then raise them to a computer. Protein, vitamins and carbohydrates to float in the air! As thoughts come running time for lunch. Nobody thinks to go outside. There is not hungry nor thirsty. Some of them enter the kitchen lam kim chi and prepare one of the most delicious dishes in the world.
Led by the superb lam kim chi flavors of cooked dishes, the number of people around the table. Comes manager and respond to the situation quite normal, even happy. For workers at lunchtime lam kim chi perform their duties!
The headquarter of "Knorr" in the German city Haylborn daily repeat this sweet confusion. Meals are cooked and tasted. Of course the situation is not always so peaceful. Work has its own peculiarities of research and development. Machines and systems lam kim chi for packing ... Constructing a system for mass production of soup or chicken broth with real taste is not always a simple task. Sometimes it takes months or even a year.
During our visit we met with over 30 chefs (chefs) from 12 different countries. France, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, Cuba, Argentina, America, Malaysia and others. Some 35-year-old chef, and others 17. Languages, cultures and their taste sensations are different, but their goal is only one: the production of new soups. To distinguish more easily who is on which side, on their lapels embroidered flags of the countries they come from. Germans are generally persistent in terms of language, but have chosen English as a common language.
Each of the chefs in charge of dishes from your country. All are experts in the preparation of dishes, but are entitled aloud at the table of neighbors. Almost all have circled at least 6-7 countries. lam kim chi For several new products in 2010, worked for 40,000 hours studying 4,000 different ingredients. The process of preparing a dry soup is the same in each country. By taking water from fresh vegetables retain their taste and nutritional value. After extensive work preparing the soup. The final product tasted by the chef of the other countries. Everyone gives their opinion, remove the shortcomings and research continues. The last word is again a representative of that country where the soup is cooked.
Turkish dishes at home Georg Shmuetsker, Swiss chef: 33-year-old chef. He devoted his entire life to cooking. 33 years working in the "Unilever". Study is the kitchens of many countries, such as USA, France, Switzerland, Austria and others. When someone sat alone at the table, while others had been in the kitchen and did not go out for years. Defined as a conductor, which is the last word of the Swiss table. Says he is ready to bring together all the dishes and make them new. He is quite familiar with Turkish cuisine. Without asking him tells us the following: "I loved the kebabs, meatballs are superb. Cook them in your own home. I love a lot of salad, eggplant and tomato sauce I use often. In many Turks live in Germany, so I'm familiar with your taste preferences. "
The richest sofra Maximilian Thomas, a German chef: He is the new face of the company. Until now had examined the entire European cuisine is served twice in East spleen. "I have not been in the United States and South America. More or less know what they are prepared there. It is very difficult to claim to know the cuisine of a country entirely. "According to Turkish cuisine is one of the richest fifth of the world and not yet fully discovered by the world. You need to crawl one by one, towns and villages, and to describe the taste. We asked him about the taste preferences lam kim chi of Germans and Turks. Responsible succinctly: "They can not be matched!"
Ottoman cuisine is everywhere Zeynep lam kim chi Yeenaga, Turkish chef: Zeynep Yeenaga is responsible for the development of products across North Africa and Istanbul. In its external lam kim chi work is related to South America, and the interior is free. In Turkey Yeenaga engineer works with 7 and 9 th best female chef since the republic was established in our southern lam kim chi neighbor. It is written in many products such as lentils, chicken broth, dressing for chicken in the oven, soup kettle. She has her education in abroad. We asked her product had to be shared by all countries? We explained with the following example: "In truth, the meatballs are everywhere, also Sarmite. Turkey is doing

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