Wednesday, December 18, 2013

We started to prepare perfect egg custard with chocolate, Tiramisu (here you can find my recipe for

On Saturday johnson and wales charlotte I participated in a Dia supermarket initiative very interesting and cool. The project is called THE DEMOS back a day and includes a website with recipes and contests, and a series of free lectures and courses on cooking and cuisine led by the A point.
We started to prepare perfect egg custard with chocolate, Tiramisu (here you can find my recipe for Tiramisu) Iron and strawberries, as strawberry season is no use berries. The recipes you find the step-by-step in the web project, I want to tell you what are the tricks I was taught johnson and wales charlotte in class.
First to make pastry is very important quantities theme, it would be best to use a digital scale, creativity is good but not the amounts johnson and wales charlotte of the ingredients that you need to reserve it for decoration. Second lot of patience and dedication. To use the vanilla pod thing to do is boil it in milk. In addition to the custard, you can flavor the milk for example using almond essence or cardamom or chocolate. For the caramel to mix sugar and water in a pan and it is fair to expect before you begin to remove.
Cream custard cream of tiramisu has raw egg, if security or because we want pregnant women cook the egg, can make the smoothie yolks and sugar in a water bath. Clap the two ingredients in a bowl set over a pot of boiling water but it touches water. The egg will cook with water vapor. For whites until stiff perfect stay must use a super clean bowl that has not been in contact with any fat and add a pinch of salt. If you drop a bit of yolk in the whites can recover a clean cloth dipped in the clear for the yolk from sticking there.
Yolks with sugar for Tiramisu The pastry bag can be used for assembly of desserts and also for example in the case of the iron to spread cream cake right at the source.
There are many more courses johnson and wales charlotte on the web but it seems that each can point to only one. I hope to continue with this project Day because they really went all excited, look how happy he was to.
This entry was posted in contests, cooking classes, gastronomic events Spain and tagged cooking classes free madrid courses reposteria free madrid, events kitchen, events kitchen madrid, Italian desserts, recipes Italian desserts, Italian pastries, a teacher in your enunacocinaitaliana kitchen. Bookmark the permalink.
Nice your blog, very lucky. Regards
I love to go to some course of these, but for work I is totally impossible. So to ask the chef in your facebook ginos, some little trick, I will not miss! Also just this Wednesday at 4, I can connect!
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