Monday, August 4, 2014

随着时代的发展 人们不再满足于吃饱穿暖 而向更高的消费层次前进 这一点在人们日常的服装服饰上显得尤其突出 内衣内裤也日渐由从前谈起来就羞羞答答的 汗衫短裤背心 过渡到展示个性 展示人体美 有独特设计的

Why sexy lingerie needs « Blog
随着时代的发展 人们不再满足于吃饱穿暖 而向更高的消费层次前进 这一点在人们日常的服装服饰上显得尤其突出 内衣内裤也日渐由从前谈起来就羞羞答答的 汗衫短裤背心 过渡到展示个性 展示人体美 有独特设计的一种产业 面料 样式 功能不断出新 情趣内衣 作为内衣产业的重要组成部分正受到越来越多人的关注 情趣内衣一般花样讲究 设计大胆 紧身 半透明质料 蕾丝滚边 吊袜松紧带等特性可以大大提高夫妻之间性爱乐趣 使夫妻关系更加和偕 走俏市场的 情趣内衣 用真丝面料制作 款式婀娜多姿 色彩绚丽丰富 做工精细别致 确也颇富一番情趣 就目前来说性趣内衣大致有以下类型 附有绳带的内裤 超高式的内裤 在腰部两侧都附有绳带可供系绑 这种内裤外型大胆 火辣辣 适合各种体型的女人穿着 而只要解开其中一边的绳带 就够刺激的了 花边内裤 质料以半透明为主 四周缀有蕾丝滚边 chicken cordon bleu 是浪漫 内在美 的典型代表 xx若隐若现 对视觉来说大有挑逗 用手直接触摸也是乐事 开裆裤 这种内裤恰巧在两股之间空无遮掩 如果又穿迷你裙外出 可够令人提心吊胆的 这是叫人目瞪口呆 火辣辣的设计 有开裆的长统袜 在两股之间却有很大的开口可以毫无阻碍地触摸到内裤 吊袜松紧带 想像一个女人将一只腿放于椅上 chicken cordon bleu 那种撩人的风姿 直可以迷倒众生 上下套型 用红色真丝面料制作 显得很有朝气 穿在身上 肌肤更为娇嫩 上衣简洁 配以一个小巧蝴蝶结 腰部配上宽花边 下身制作成迷你裙款式 轻盈灵巧 燕尾服型 收腰自然 款式大方是其主要特征 带有短油 袖口上的花边成喇叭型 裙摆具有弧度 胸脯似露非露 仿佛欲说还休 既有外衣款式 chicken cordon bleu 又有内衣情趣 吊带型 肩部有细吊带 多为蓝黑 绿黑相间 感觉清爽宽松 黑边较长 在室内灯光下能闪光 胸前开口 用一细带轻轻系住 给人娇羞之态 皱褶型 多以乳白真丝和纯白花边相配 收腰 裙摆大 垂感好 花边以皱褶形式装饰裙边 高雅大方 将女孩儿扮得像个天使
With the development of the times, people are no longer satisfied with feed and clothe, and advance to a higher level of consumption, which is in people on a daily apparel is especially prominent, but also increasingly from the former underwear up to shy to talk “T-shirt pants vest” the transition to show personality, show human body, there is a unique chicken cordon bleu industrial design, fabric, style, function continuously developing new, “sexy lingerie” as an integral part of the underwear industry, more and more people are being attention. Lingeries pay attention to the general chicken cordon bleu pattern, design bold, tight, translucent material, lace trim, garters and other elastic properties can greatly enhance the sexual pleasure between husband and wife, so that husband and wife relationship is more and kai. Popular market, “sexy lingerie”, with silk fabric production, graceful style, rich in bright colors, fine workmanship, unique, do have input on some fun. For now, interest in sex underwear to the following types: with a rope’s underwear: high-style underwear, with both sides at the waist for attaching a rope tied to, these shorts are bold appearance, burning, suitable for all The woman wearing the kind of body. And as long as one side of the rope untied, had enough stimulation. Lace underwear: the main material to translucent, surrounded by decorated with lace trim, is a romantic “inner beauty” a typical representative, xx looming, much of the visual teaser for the hand is also a pleasure to touch directly. Open crotch pants: This underwear nothing happens between the two shares to cover, if they go out wearing a mini skirt, can be scary enough, it was undoubtedly stunned, burning design. A sack of stockings: two large openings between the strands there can be no hindrance to touch the underwear. Garter elastic band: imagine a woman will put on a chair leg, the kind of sultry grace, until you can captured the hearts of all beings. Bottom dwelling: red silk fabric production, seems very energetic, worn on the body, the skin is more delicate. T-shirt is simple and comes with a small bow, coupled with wide lace waist; pants made into a mini style, lightweight smart. Tuxedo type: natural waist, generous style of its main features. With a short oil, lace on the cuff into flaring, skirt with a curved, non-exposed breasts exposed like, as if Unspoken, both coat style, have fun underwear. Strap type: shoulder straps have small, mostly blue-black, green, black and white, feel fresh and relaxed. Black bars longer able to flash light in the room, his chest open, with gently tied with a thin, shy people of the state. chicken cordon bleu Fold type: more use of cream silk and white lace to match, waist, big skirt, chicken cordon bleu drape well, in order to fold the form of decorative lace skirts, chicken cordon bleu elegant, the girls play like a angel.
Met die ontwikkeling van die tye, mense nie meer tevrede is met voed en te klee, en vooruit na ‘n hoër vlak van verbruik, wat in mense op’ n daaglikse klere is veral prominent, maar ook toenemend van die voormalige chicken cordon bleu onderklere aan te skaam om te praat “T-hemp broek berus” die oorgang persoonlikheid te wys, toon die menslike chicken cordon bleu liggaam, en daar is ‘n unieke industriële ontwerp, materiaal, styl, funksie voortdurend die ontwikkeling van nuwe, “sexy lingerie” as’ n integrale deel van die onderklere bedryf, is meer en meer mense wat aandag. Lingeries aandag te gee aan die algemene patroon, chicken cordon bleu ontwerp vet, stywe, deurskynende materiaal, kant te knip, garters en ander elastiese chicken cordon bleu eienskappe kan baie verbeter die seksuele plesier tussen man en vrou, sodat man en vrou verhouding is meer en kai. Gewilde mark, “sexy lingerie”, met sy stof produksie, grasieuse styl, ryk in helder kleure, fyn vakmanskap, unieke, doen het insette oor ‘n plesier. Vir nou, belangstelling in seks onderklere aan die volgende tipes: met ‘n tou se onderklere:’ n hoë-styl onderklere, met beide kante by die middellyf vir die bevestiging van ‘n tou vasgebind aan hierdie broek is vet voo

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