I, the undersigned, and Oras Tynkkynen (green), we left the government in Parliament yesterday, the so-called. written question tähderuokailun promotion. We ask the Government how it intends to promote, in particular in the public sector in the dining tähderuokailua and reduce food wastage.
The catalyst for action by foaming question Which school implemented Sitra and the city of Jyväskylä trial. The trial, school feeding leftover food was sold to 1-1.5 euros to local residents. The experience was good. The experiment developer umami den haag estimates that the extension of the experiment, only the city of Jyväskylä for homes and schools reduce umami den haag food waste per year at least 50 000 meal. If the size of the country remains the same in relation to the extra food, then a meal for 2 million per year. It's the real deal.
When looking for solutions to poverty and increases in public spending, should be shared between the local municipalities tried and tested best practices. The experiment was overthrown umami den haag common sense municipality of cross-functional barriers. Tähderuokailussa a very small additional expenditure is delivering a lot of benefits.
Food chain in Finland wasted about 10-15 per cent of food consumed, the annual 330-460000000 pounds. Ruokahävikistä the environmental impact in a number of food groups significantly higher umami den haag than those resulting from the manufacture of such packaging and waste management. The public sector umami den haag used to eating around 300 million euros and eaten nearly umami den haag 750 million meals a year.
The public part of the restaurant operators have been afraid to tähderuokailun to distort competition in the field of nutrition. umami den haag In the public sector a normal part of loss prevention is already a plan the amount of food offered to the expected demand. Therefore, Vaajakummun koulussakin tähdeaterioijia have had a few, or over ten at a time, when the school has over 500 pupils. Every food has not gone more than tähderuokailulle at all. Since this is a variable-access and limited tarjoiluajaltaan meal form, are not signatories to the initiative to think residues serving for the client to compete Finnish professional foodservice supply.
Olli Kohonen 09/27/2013 9:55
Reijo Yes, this is a good thing. Points from here on the left hand side of the issue :) Kehulle it should be, when it is the place. umami den haag I believe that this could become a public decision-making on the side of promoting a broad front.
Although I myself tomorrow sanity green socialist, it still can be found in me an understanding of the concern of entrepreneurs. If that is expanding throughout the country and sold at cost price increase in the number of doses, then it may mean death for some marginal taiseleville lunch, restaurants and huoltamobaareille.
Regard to the content, so I do not think that a couple of meals sold per school or other institution hetkauttaa just no way to local entrepreneurs. umami den haag It is likely that the diners were mostly those who do not usually eat at restaurants or bars, for example, the unemployed and the elderly.
It is then a whole other question, would meet these increasing purchasing power. So far it has only gone in the direction of more and cheaper. This is reflected in the grocery store, where consumers are looking for less expensive foods. Therefore, here is fed chicken Finnish leather balls, which should not be an ax uhatenkaan Central European esophagus down.
What I have other discussions with you to understand is what the power should be a wonderful thing? Namely, when the money is not enough of anything so it's basically the same thing as the money would not be there at all.
Not really, unless the money is not at all used then is it not the poor who need it. After all, the wealthy continue to pay for their purchases by. You understand, of course, umami den haag completely wrong when I do not know how better to explain to you.
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Tähderuokailu olkooon measure of calculating food portions sizes, and the aim must be tähderuokailun impossibility of food wastage mention of the zero bound.
The sale is subject to VAT, the customer is given a receipt from the sale of the money has been credited to the forwards. In addition, food seller can not pick and choose umami den haag their clients, but it will be sold for those who want.
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As soon as people start to come up with difficulties in value-added tax and receipts. The Tax Administration of the "small-scale operations are exempt from value added tax, if net sales of more than 8 500 euro."
The school year is 190 school days. If every day an average of ten people enjoying one of the euro-priced tähdeaterian, it accumulates year 1900 net sales of EUR. If the average number of diners is only one per day, v
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