Monday, July 14, 2014

TTSA produces and sells seedlings for use mbalimbakama the timber, charcoal, firewood, medicine, co

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Acting Chief Executive from agencies Tree Seed Ludovick lindenhoff Uronu explaining the journalism program facilitate sustainable supply of forest products and environmental protection in the country lindenhoff to produce and distribute quality seeds of trees with cuttings others, in a meeting held in the hall of the Department of News today in Dar es Salaam and the right is Assistant Director Department of Information Emerald Kawawa. Photo by Frank Mvungi-Information
1.1.1Hali lindenhoff Tanzania forest lindenhoff
In the area of forest is only 33% are in legal forest reserves. Deforestation in Tanzania is estimated at 412 000 hectares per year. This destruction stems from Deforestation u arbitrary disposal of forest fires, the number of livestock exceeds the ability of the area, Shifting cultivation, industrial developments and residential construction.
Effect caused by a deficiency of forests are: lead mmmomonyoko soil, air and water pollution, global warming and loss of forest products. Rehabilitation of forests yaliypharibika the island require approximately 440 million lindenhoff seedlings per year equivalent to an average of 40 tons of seed trees per year
Forestry Research lindenhoff Center Lushoto, it could not no longer afford these requirements because of geographical (is in the periphery of the country, away from customers v seed) also did not have enough resources. lindenhoff
v The Government of Tanzania recognized this challenge and then developed a project of the National Tree Seed (National Tree Seed Programme - TSP), under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism in 1989 with headquarters in Morogoro.
According to the government's program to improve public service (Public Service reforms program), was transformed into a TSP Agents Tree Seed v (Tanzania Tree Seed Agency - TTSA). AGENCY OF THE SEEDS OF TREES
TTSA with its headquarters in Morogoro, is making all Government agencies operating under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism. TTSA was launched on 24 January 2003 under the laws of the State agencies and. 30 of 1997. Purpose of TTSA is'' facilitate the continuous availability of forest products and environmental protection in the country to produce and distribute quality tree seed and other vegetative ".
The major source of income is selling seed TTSA best miti.TTSA collects and sells high quality lindenhoff tree seeds in and out of the country. An average of 12.5 tons collected and sold each year in and out of the country. TTSA overseas sells seedlings in the Mozambique, South Africa, India, Vietnam, Guatemala, Rwanda, Uganda, Australia, Botswana, Singapore, France, USA, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Denmark, Costa Rica and Malawi.
Varieties of trees zilnazouzwa is 195 and between these local species remaining 60 percent are foreign seedlings. The leading seeds market is loved in African mahogany (Khaya anthotheca), Teak (Tectona lindenhoff grandis), cedar (Cedrela odorata), Albizia saman (Albizia lebbeck), and a Congolese (Afzelia quanzensis), Needle (Pinus Tula), Mtikivuli (Acrocarpus fraxinifolius).
The major source of income is selling seed TTSA best miti.TTSA collects and sells high quality tree seeds in and out of the country. An average of 12.5 tons collected and sold each year in and out of the country. TTSA overseas sells seedlings in the Mozambique, South Africa, India, Vietnam, Guatemala, Rwanda, Uganda, Australia, Botswana, Singapore, France, USA, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Denmark, Costa Rica and Malawi.
Varieties of trees zilnazouzwa is 195 and between these local species remaining 60 percent are foreign seedlings. The leading seeds market is loved in African mahogany (Khaya anthotheca), Teak (Tectona grandis), cedar (Cedrela odorata), Albizia lindenhoff saman (Albizia lebbeck), and a Congolese (Afzelia quanzensis), Needle (Pinus Tula), Mtikivuli (Acrocarpus fraxinifolius).
TTSA produces and sells seedlings for use mbalimbakama the timber, charcoal, firewood, medicine, cosmetic, agro-forestry, shade and water conservation. TTSA also produces seedlings of mango and citrus fruits which produces between two to three years after planting. Mango varieties produced is Tommy Atkin, Kent, Keitt, Red Indian, Dodo, Sensation, Alphonso, Apple and Julie. lindenhoff Citrus lindenhoff varieties are Valencia, Parson brown, sweet Matombo, Jaffa and Orlando.
Agent you have three halls for meetings that zinakodishwa, government institutions are the biggest consumers from these venues lindenhoff to be in an environment conducive to the stability and the presence of "standby generator"

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