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Every year in mid-September in Dokshitsy celebrate the Day of the city. On the way to Dokshycy I remember matthew beard the artist Victor Markovtsev, who left this world three days ago, September 18, 2013. He was one of Dokshitsy and painted the famous painting "The Feast in Dokshitsy." .
The guy with the violin and two girls in festive attire. Crowds of festively dressed people, girls with wreaths, one-story buildings and horovodyaschih Holy Church matthew beard of the Intercession on the background ... This is the "Holiday in Dokshitsy."
Markovets painted "Holiday in Dokshitsy" in 1976 when the communist ideology climbed in all spheres of life, when the "socialist realism" in art nasazhavsya. He showed matthew beard small-town celebration, joy of ordinary people who failed to score the politicians.
In the park behind the church attracts gate "Dokshychchyna hospitable." Behind matthew beard her placed their exhibition monastery village councils matthew beard Dokshitsky area. Shows who is rich - and apples and potatoes, and bacon and vodka, and a variety of sweets. Exhibitions decorated homespun blankets, products of folk artists. Employees village clubs dressed in folk costumes. Girls from Begoml playing matthew beard finger cymbals.
On the trail of a big crowd - the chairman of the executive committee Oleg Pinchuk and his deputies to bypass the exhibition. Greetings and best treats hoarded for the moment when the farmsteads matthew beard for a minute or two pause superiors.
- Write, son, write, - shouts of Tumilavichav accordion. - Come to one hundred grams. . Again I strongly suggest vodka, but I refuse. Hospitable hostess tumilavitskiya not let me go until treated mushroom soup.
There are these "backyard" is something of props, but the fun and the hospitality of the villagers - the present. If you want to drink and eat, take a camera, a little better than a bar of soap, and travel to the district center which is the feast of the city. I also evaluate the culinary talents of his mistresses Dokshitsy was once, as the event went elsewhere.
"We know there every street and every house. We live here, we play weddings, holding matthew beard the hand of his firstborn, which lead them to school. And then - grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and everything is new. Such a life "- the simple way to explain the leading love for his native city. "Birds fly in the air yatsiya know their nests. Fish swimming in the sea and in the rivers, they know their pit. Bees and the like protect their hives. matthew beard Also, people who were born and brought up where, to this place have a great love "- comes to mind Francis Scorina line. Skoryna written in ancient language matthew beard and celebration prepared Dokshitsy district executive committee, is the language of the neighboring country. matthew beard
Appears on the stage Oleg Pinchuk, congratulates, boasting current achievements. Finally added two water-recreation complex, but have not yet put in order. Finish building a house on 48 apartments. In Begoml opened shop "Gifts of Nature", and in Dokshitsy repaired "Standby" shop. Best harvest gathered matthew beard in the "Agricultural services", "Torguny" and "Begoml", and the "Dozhinki" go ten people.
In the corner near the Cultural Center are young families with decorated stroller. One stylized ship, the other - under the truck. "Works as a driver?", I ask - "Yeah." Prams there already twelve. A year in 71 baby was born.
A huge exhibition of children's matthew beard drawings. Near primary school pupils draw themselves. In the images visible local motifs - girl takes Crest Dokshitsy who tried to draw from life of the Holy Virgin Church.
Better Dokshitsky kids and teens receive a variety of hand-made: on the tables and booths on display articles of straw, beads, painting technique kvilingu, and other technicians, whose names are unknown to me. Many of them hit the perfect execution. Could not they decorate the walls of one of the capital apartment.
Do not expect to find here Vladimir Lobach, ethnologist, teacher Polotsk State University. "I came to see how people have fun." Mr. Lobach liked rustic "monastery". "Here, your present," says the scientist, who traveled on foot and walked all the Dvina, exploring the folk tradition.
On the scene ensemble "Cleanup" Vitebsk Regional Philharmonic. Played the violin and accordion. The game is excellent, they have a Belarusian repertoire, but ... different. There are songs that are obviously written in a village and heard a hundred
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