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Today many children grow - quite a feat. However, earlier, many families were having many children. There was such a custom. Wealth lam banh deemed not horses, cows, property, and number of children. Now even three - a rarity. Someone optimal number of children is determined by religion, national traditions, in others - economic calculation, internal needs. Many are convinced that it is better to have one child or two to give them all the best and necessary. However, this concept is different for all families. Some believe that children can be grown in a small room to continue wearing clothes elders, play with broken toys. While the latter - in what their children are trying not to refuse. Is it impossible to give everything you need 4 or 5 children? And what about when they are 6? Surely in such a family lam banh to children will be less attention, care about them ... In Lydia and Nicholas Gavriliouk of Malorita already 8 children. Living together lam banh beautifully in harmony and image. No one ever said a bad word against them. What is the basis of the relationship? - Our big family kept primarily on love, mutual, selfless, incorruptible lam banh - smiling, says Lydia Stepanovna. - It's like a beneficial rain. After him, even through lam banh the most solid ground is required to break through the green grass. You must love one another every day, every minute. Learn to breathe love - great skill, which go a lifetime. My kids - a treasure happiness that no amount of money can not buy anywhere lam banh else in the world, the meaning of life. - A recipe for family happiness has long been known - says Nikolai Demidovich. -Neabhodna Loves others honestly, without fraud, deceit, often forgetting about yourself. If a family ruled by harmony and mutual respect, lam banh never fade, tenderness, kindness and wisdom - this is a real family. What more needs to be happy? And I remember the words of his grandfather, who once said: "God gave the child and give the child." More children - more joy in everything. Their happiness and Lydia Nicholas lam banh found in the house of life Malorita. It happened like this. She is originally from Lyakhovets. In a large family was seventh. Was a good student, plans, imagined lam banh someone would be, where it will work. However, after graduating from high school life drew his own way. Very different, not one that raved on which wanted to run. Resigned to the circumstances, Lida went on it slowly but surely gait. Trained as a pastry chef, worked at the bakery, and then, by chance, was in the House of everyday life, where ever zealous embroiderers. There was a closer look closely to his Koli. He was born and raised in v.Hmelishcha. After finishing school he studied at the Radezhskay driver, then went to work in the agricultural machinery, a little later, unexpectedly, was transferred to the driver in the House of Life. Perhaps the mystery lam banh of fate, why at one point he and she were there. - At the first meeting, - says Nikolay - Lida fascinated me. What bribed? Smile. Something unusual came from her lips, mysterious as it is surprising, enigmatic, beautiful. Saw the young almost every day. Affection gradually grew, the, won the hearts and minds of both. However, lam banh Kohl soon take on military service. Two years passed quickly. Both he and she remembered his mate. After the return of the young man home, the feeling of love in young broke out with renewed vigor. Bonfire lam banh of love is not extinguished, and gained new strength. - Kohl's offered me his hand to go through life together, - says Lydia Stepanovna - and I thought for a moment, the heart. However, my fiance soon taken to the "partisans" - at harvesting, the virgin lands on a long five and a half months. It has been a real test of our love. I waited, hoped and believed. Nicholas about his favorite also do not forget. One after another writing letters. He told them everything lam banh in detail. And above all - about their feelings. And in each letter was certainly a surprise. Guy sent his favorite dried wildflowers from the steppes of the Kuban. Lida was very fond of them. - One day - says Nikolai Demidovich - if within a week driving in a freight car in Tsalinagrad, was his favorite big verse where said everything that was in the heart, filled with love than the soul. June 19, 1983 a young married. That moment they were looking forward to, because everyone wanted to be with her beloved, to feel it constantly. Wedding in style played lam banh in Lyahovtsah. It had invited more than 350 people. Happy, Nicholas and Lydia began to live separately from their parents immediately. In Malaryta took land and gradually began to build his house. Large, although the number of children then it is not thought of. - I'm a child dreamed of working mother - says Lydia Stepanovna. - In May
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